Meet Milton

Meet Milton

In late August, Polargold Siberians reached out to me to see if we were interested in adopting a 13 week old puppy, Milton. I said no because I would be leaving in two weeks for trial and would be gone for three weeks. Taking care of a new puppy and integrating him into the family seemed like a lot to leave on David’s shoulders. Then I told David about it, and he said, “Well, hold on, let’s think about this.” That resulted in him going to Petco that night to get puppy food and a crate and he headed to Kansas City the next day, picking up Milton the following morning.

It was a pretty long trip home for David and Milton. They had to stop many times and Milton “sang” much of the way. They finally got home about 11 PM. I was excited to meet Milton, but I don’t think he was all that excited to meet me.

Integrating Milton into the family has been much easier than when we brought Gus home. That’s not to say that Kat hasn’t had her moments being mean to him, but she’s not nearly as bad as she was with Gus. Milton is also not as much of a pushover as Gus.

We mainly got Milton to be Gus’s new buddy, but I don’t think Gus really appreciates it. Milton kind of drives him nuts. I tell Gus it’s just because Milton loves him so much, but I’m not sure Gus thinks that’s a good thing!

Meet Ollie!

Meet Ollie!

Summer Catch Up

Summer Catch Up